Thursday, November 18, 2010

We need Betty Crocker

And all her friends (ie. YOU!)  

If you didn't realize, Christmas is coming.  I know there are many reactions happening right now.  Sighs of exasperation, giddy dancing, list makers are stocking up on paper and pens...  
I won't tell you what category I fall under.  
I'm working on that.  ahem.
There is one thing that many of us women are doing this season though.  
We are baking.  
Or for some of us- We are BAKING!!!! *Squeal with Delight!*

If this is your thing, your joy, your favorite way to share this holiday season, we need you. 

Trinity needs ladies (or any men you know who don a hot mitt) to bring in 2 or 4 dozen of your choice of cookie for the Christmas Eve service (please avoid nuts!).  
Well, not for the actual service, but the fellowship time after!  
Issy Calland will be the one you want to contact to sign up. or 410.821.6188. x. 102   
She needs this information by Thursday, December 16!
Be sure to tell her how many dozen and what kind of cookies you will make.  
(Oatmeal raisin, snicker doodles, gingerbread men, sugar cookies, chocolate chip.....oh dear, I think I just drooled on my laptop.)  

If you come to the Christmas Eve service, please consider sharing!

Sunday, November 7, 2010


When was the last time you LOL (laughed out Loud)? 
I mean, really let out a whoop ha ha? 
Not one of those demure giggles.  I'm talking a serious belly laugh. 
If you can't remember, don't worry! 
Help is on the way!

In February, Comedian Sue Duffield will be coming to Trinity for a night of jokes and inspiration.  
Sue is traveling all over with her LOL tour, and we are blessed to be one of her stops. 

Laugh Out Loud
Live Out Loud
'Cause He's Lord Of Lords!

Check out her website and mark your calendars now- February 11, 2011. 
I know February seems so far away, but you know how the holidays fly by.

You don't want to miss a night with TrinityWomen and some serious laughing! 
Stay tuned for more information!